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Stage 1A.6 Intro to FOSS Project Anatomy (Activity)

The Sugar Labs Project

  • Contributions
    1. Summarize the roles that you think would be most applicable for your students.
      For service-learning projects, the roles of Content Writer, People Person, Developer, Designer, Translator are applicable for our students. For senior projects, the developer's role will be a good fit.
    2. What are the commonalities across roles? What are the differences?
      They all use mailing list for communication. Some are sharing the same mailing list, and some roles use different ones.
  • Tracker
    1. Describe the general process for submitting a bug.
      According to, the general process is summarized as below:
      Step 1. Identify a relevant activity or component repository from
      Step 2. Join the Github
      Step 3. Visit the issues tab of the repo, and report the issue.
      More reference is here:
    2. Indicate the types/categories of tickets listed on this page as well as the information available for each ticket.
      The types / categories include: defect, enhancement and task.
      For each ticket, it includes information of: Ticket #, Summary, Status, Owner, Type, Priority and Milestone.
  • Repository
    The date of last commit is Oct 16, 2017.
  • Release cycle
    Describe how the release cycle and roadmap update are related.
    Both are managed by the release team. The roadmap is updated at the beginning of each release cycle, and may include the detailed schedule of release dates and freeze points, list of modules and external dependencies, the reference to all the tickets considered for the release, and the references to the new feature proposals. And each release cycle will include development, beta, release candidate and final releases, which reflect the planed items in the roadmap.

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