JPearce on SourceForge Educational Projects
SourceForge Educational Projects
SourceForge Search indicates there are 20462 projects for "education".
15 different programming languages are used to write software in this category.
The top four programming languages used to write programs in this category are Java (6,367), C++ (3,541), php (2,958) and JavaScript (1,566)
Identify the meaning of each of the statuses below: Inactive Mature Production/Stable Beta Alpha Pre-Alpha Planning Compare two projects in this category that have two different statuses. Describe the differences between the statuses. Which projects are the most used? How do you know? Pick a project in your category. Answer the questions below: What does it do? What programming language is the project written in? Who is likely to use the project? How do you know this? When was the most recent change made to the project? How active is the project? How can you tell? How many committers does the project have? Would you use the project? Why or why not?