Morgan - FOSS Course (Proposal)

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Becka Morgan



Th focus of my work this summer will be to completely rewrite the OSS course I teach for Winter term. Currently the course focuses on the Ubuntu project and has been fairly unstructured. This is a moderately successful way to teach this course. Reinventing the way the course is taught, using what I learned at POSSE, will allow me to create a course that is less frustrating for students and has more focused goals. This will provide me with the opportunity to do research on using the information from POSSE vs the more unstructured approach.

Target course

IS451/CS551 is a course that is offered at WOU during Winter term as a combined undergrad/graduate level course. It is currently part of a grad level pathway and an undergrad elective. This is a course designed to promote participation by students in OSS within an environment that supports diversity. The intent is to create a framework for a course that creates a Community of Practice among the participants as a way to affect self-efficacy among underrepresented populations.

Target Student Audience

The target for this class are students who have some maturity in tech. They have successfully competed data structures as an undergrad. Graduate students are in an MIS program so the focus is on participation other than coding for many who have a business focus. It is a great combination of students to further the idea that all contributions are valuable.

Learning Actiities

Expected Learning Outcomes


Expected Artifacts

Requested Funding

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